For Providers

Prevent Peanut Allergies Toolkit
The three most valuable tools for your practice

Peanut Allergy Prevention through Early Introduction
A new online Pedialink CE course from the American Academy of Pediatrics – is available free to healthcare providers who work with young inf...
Healthcare professionals like you are key to helping overcome parents’ hesitancy to follow the new recommendations for early introduction of peanut foods. You can also provide valuable counsel in the best ways to manage peanut allergies after a diagnosis.
The National Peanut Board is embarking on a contemporary process for food allergy research funding. ...
The FDA approved Xolair (omalizumab) to be used for reducing allergic reactions to multiple foods af...
Discover a potential breakthrough: Peanut patch therapy shows promise in treating peanut allergies a...
The National Peanut Board has awarded $400,000 in grants to nine organizations to advance food aller...
Meet Little Peanut – a lovable plushie peanut that grows with families in every stage of life: from ...
The LEAP Trio study builds upon the original LEAP and LEAP-On trials which demonstrated that early i...
The concept of an allergen-free or hypoallergenic peanut is not new, but from time to time, NPB sees...
The National Peanut Board is pleased to announce its Request for Proposals for its 2024 food allergy...
Parents, young people and adults managing food allergies should have the skills they need to safely navigate food situations safely and treat reactions when they happen. Parents should involve children in their own care as early as possible, seek to teach children to self-advocate and transfer management in age-appropriate ways as children mature. Schools do not need to ban food allergens to keep students safe, but they should have comprehensive plans for all students with food allergies. While it is not possible to eliminate all risks that come with having a food allergy, it is possible to reduce risk and prepare for accidental ingestion. Health professionals, including nurses, pediatricians, family physicians, PCPs, registered dietitian nutritionists and all others, can play a part in helping ensure that those with food allergies have the support and tools they need to thrive.
[1] Choosing Wisely Website. Available at Accessed May 3, 2021
[2] Warren, C, et al. Epidemiology and Burden of Food Allergies. Current Allergy Asthma Reports. 2020;20(6):6
[3] Stukus, D. How Dr. Google Is Impacting Parental Medical Decision Making. In: Pediatric Allergy, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics E-book. Available at Accessed on May 4, 2021.